Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm so happy to see America's starting to standing up and finally holding politicians accountable for their actions. It started with the so called resignation of Van Jones who was as radical as they come, but the whole czar thing is out of control. How can we have Non-Elected people overseeing how billions of dollars are spent (Tax Payers Money) and not say or do anything about it. All of the czars now need to be let go or fired which ever one that would get rid of them. Why do we need a Hollywood czar, we never had one before. They report to no one but The President? How can this be legal and pay them 100,000 + a year. This is another way to control and keep the American people in the dark. This has got to stop.


1 comment:

  1. Van Jones was the first to go, good ridance. There will be other extreme Czars to follow.
