Friday, September 4, 2009

Mingjabby's First Blog

Let me introduce myself, I am a 40 something year old American who served in the military for a number of years. I've lived in several different states and have friends of all backgrounds and cultures. My blog will discuss the issues facing us as Americans everyday. I will be fair and balanced ( where did I hear that before hmmm..). I will use only Layman's terms so I will be easy to understand.

I would like to start by speaking about a issue that is going to affect us all, that is the nationalisation of our Health care system. I feel the Government has no business what so ever to be involved in Private Sector businesses. I was against the Bail out of the Automobile Industry that was the first step of a government controlled society, then came the bank bail outs. My biggest fear in life is big government: translation DICTATORSHIP. The bailout's will continue with the media probably to be next, NBC who's station has about 1000 viewers already has the feel of a government run business. You need Three thing to have a successful DICTATORSHIP.

1. Control of the financial institutions: Banks owned by government. That is the purpose of the bank bailout. But the media reports say that the tax payers own the bank. Nobody has sent me a check book yet.

2. The so called plan to have a civilian military that is just as funded as the US Military. If you brainwash people to follow your radical agenda this will be devastating to the way of life we all love this country for.

3. Control of the Media: If the government can control what you see and hear on TV and radio they can manipulate how most Americans think. Translation control what we see and hear in essence controls our actions and will continue to push their Socialized & Communist society agenda with out anyone noticing it until it is too late.

I welcome any and all comments, thank you for your time.




  1. You seem to be well versed on a number issues considering your age. I believe common sense is the major key to understanding our complex world today. I also believe the citizens of America are feed up with our politicians, who go into politics to advance their agendas, which is to line their own pockets.

    If you believe this, vote them out of office, Republicans and Democrats.


  2. Meaning of the term CZARS:
    C = CLOWNS
    A = ACORN
    S = SICK

    Lets stop the appointment of these clowns without being vetted.
