Saturday, September 12, 2009


When Obama was running for President he often spoke about having a transparent administration. He has done nothing of the sort in fact, by appointing all these Czar's that do not have to be Vetted by Congress or approved by the people he has the most nontransparent administration. The Man has a hidden agenda that still remains to be seen, we do know that he is trying to turn us Cuba like as far as the policies he is supporting. Why is he down playing the Tea Parties? I will tell you why because he can't stop them, so he claims it to be a Right Wing conspiracy, which is totally false. These are people who, like the Tea Parties that helped to kick the British out of here are fed up with a Government who thinks they are the absolute power. When in fact WE ARE THE POWER. So everyone wake up and smell the coffee let's take our country back by non-violent protests and gatherings. Let these CLOWNS know WE THE PEOPLE mean business.

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