Monday, September 21, 2009


How do you change the way our health care has been run for decades, in just a few months. The answer is you don't unless you are radical. You have to look at the people that are surrounding the president and also the people he hung out with prior to winning the election. He was not even born in this country, if he was he would furnish the original copy of his birth certificate. Why would you spend money to keep this hidden, I will tell you why he has something to hide. America we have been conned at the highest level. If Obama has his way we will become a third world country, he told everyone when he was campaigning for the office he wanted to share the wealth, this is the total opposite of how most of us were raised. Remember the phase work hard and prosper, not wait on the government to give you a hand out. If you don't want health care insurance you should not have to pay for it, this is illegal. But the far left wants to compare this to automobile insurance, when in fact if you choose not to have car you do not have to buy car insurance. So you have a choice in that matter, so one can not compare the two they are crazy. As for basic health care no one is turned away if you have insurance or not, It is nothing more then a scam. I believe and many others do to that we need some type of reform but it should come in the form of capping what you can be charged for operations and medicines.

There are more pressing things than health care right now anyway like Iran developing a nuclear weapon and North Korea showing out since he has been president, Address these issues Mr. President..

Thank you


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