Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The haze of dishonesty that Obama won the presidency on is beginning to lift, he is being seen for what he is. It started with the loses in states like Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, which he spent days campaigning in. You would think that Obama would get the point that the Honeymoon is over, his influence is slowly dying as I predicted. It is just like a relationship that does not last once you find out it was all based on a lie. If I were a Democrat seeking re-election I would tell Obama to stay at The White House, I got this because he will hurt more than help, but his ego his still big even in the wake of fallen poll numbers. I'm glad that he has chosen to stay the course so his agenda will ultimately be defeated.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I'm so happy to have discovered a new grassroots organization called Wake up America, their website is: This site is loaded with information that you will find very interesting about the current adminstration and other issues that are near and dear to our hearts as Americans. I encourage you to check it and join, if you love this country as much as I do.



Monday, September 21, 2009


How do you change the way our health care has been run for decades, in just a few months. The answer is you don't unless you are radical. You have to look at the people that are surrounding the president and also the people he hung out with prior to winning the election. He was not even born in this country, if he was he would furnish the original copy of his birth certificate. Why would you spend money to keep this hidden, I will tell you why he has something to hide. America we have been conned at the highest level. If Obama has his way we will become a third world country, he told everyone when he was campaigning for the office he wanted to share the wealth, this is the total opposite of how most of us were raised. Remember the phase work hard and prosper, not wait on the government to give you a hand out. If you don't want health care insurance you should not have to pay for it, this is illegal. But the far left wants to compare this to automobile insurance, when in fact if you choose not to have car you do not have to buy car insurance. So you have a choice in that matter, so one can not compare the two they are crazy. As for basic health care no one is turned away if you have insurance or not, It is nothing more then a scam. I believe and many others do to that we need some type of reform but it should come in the form of capping what you can be charged for operations and medicines.

There are more pressing things than health care right now anyway like Iran developing a nuclear weapon and North Korea showing out since he has been president, Address these issues Mr. President..

Thank you


Saturday, September 12, 2009


When Obama was running for President he often spoke about having a transparent administration. He has done nothing of the sort in fact, by appointing all these Czar's that do not have to be Vetted by Congress or approved by the people he has the most nontransparent administration. The Man has a hidden agenda that still remains to be seen, we do know that he is trying to turn us Cuba like as far as the policies he is supporting. Why is he down playing the Tea Parties? I will tell you why because he can't stop them, so he claims it to be a Right Wing conspiracy, which is totally false. These are people who, like the Tea Parties that helped to kick the British out of here are fed up with a Government who thinks they are the absolute power. When in fact WE ARE THE POWER. So everyone wake up and smell the coffee let's take our country back by non-violent protests and gatherings. Let these CLOWNS know WE THE PEOPLE mean business.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We must get rid of ACORN!!!

Bombshell: The organization was started and supported by Barrack Obama has been exposed again. This time they are giving advice on how to make a prostitution ring seem like a legitimate business. The undercover video at speaks for itself. If this is not enough proof to shut these crooks down, I don't what it would take. Please take a look at this, it's a two part video.


Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm so happy to see America's starting to standing up and finally holding politicians accountable for their actions. It started with the so called resignation of Van Jones who was as radical as they come, but the whole czar thing is out of control. How can we have Non-Elected people overseeing how billions of dollars are spent (Tax Payers Money) and not say or do anything about it. All of the czars now need to be let go or fired which ever one that would get rid of them. Why do we need a Hollywood czar, we never had one before. They report to no one but The President? How can this be legal and pay them 100,000 + a year. This is another way to control and keep the American people in the dark. This has got to stop.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Mingjabby's First Blog

Let me introduce myself, I am a 40 something year old American who served in the military for a number of years. I've lived in several different states and have friends of all backgrounds and cultures. My blog will discuss the issues facing us as Americans everyday. I will be fair and balanced ( where did I hear that before hmmm..). I will use only Layman's terms so I will be easy to understand.

I would like to start by speaking about a issue that is going to affect us all, that is the nationalisation of our Health care system. I feel the Government has no business what so ever to be involved in Private Sector businesses. I was against the Bail out of the Automobile Industry that was the first step of a government controlled society, then came the bank bail outs. My biggest fear in life is big government: translation DICTATORSHIP. The bailout's will continue with the media probably to be next, NBC who's station has about 1000 viewers already has the feel of a government run business. You need Three thing to have a successful DICTATORSHIP.

1. Control of the financial institutions: Banks owned by government. That is the purpose of the bank bailout. But the media reports say that the tax payers own the bank. Nobody has sent me a check book yet.

2. The so called plan to have a civilian military that is just as funded as the US Military. If you brainwash people to follow your radical agenda this will be devastating to the way of life we all love this country for.

3. Control of the Media: If the government can control what you see and hear on TV and radio they can manipulate how most Americans think. Translation control what we see and hear in essence controls our actions and will continue to push their Socialized & Communist society agenda with out anyone noticing it until it is too late.

I welcome any and all comments, thank you for your time.
